New to LibreNMS, why does this happen when I add devices via SNMP SCAN?


New to LibreNMS, I was able to run the script to add my devices but for some reason it is appending the domain “ec2.internal” (hosted on aws ec2 instance) to all the device hostnames. How do I stop this from happening ?

I just want the hostname to be the IP address of the device with no dashes. Example of what I see after adding the devices below.



Anyone ? :frowning:

I could be wrong, but if you go to settings (cog at the top right), then Global Settings, Web UI and then change the “Default device display name template” but that’ll change to all devices.

Or you could manually change the display name when you edit the device

TY for the reply. That did the TRICK!! BUT now the device looks like this in the list

It swapped places. Why is it so difficult to just have the IP and under it the hostname.

I just used librenms rename and created a script. all good, thanks!

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