NFSen generating data but no tab appearing

After following the instruccionts, I see no tab in the device which NFSen is configured to pull data from.

This is my nfsen config.php

# NFSen
$config['nfsen_enable'] = 1;
$config['nfsen_split_char']   = '_';
$config['nfsen_rrds'][]   = '/var/local/nfsen/profiles-stat/live';
$config['nfsen_suffix']   = "_domain_com";

Then the directory look like:

[root@netnms01 mysql]# ll /var/local/nfsen/profiles-stat/live
total 20292
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 netflow netflow       9 mar  7 17:01 -> peer3.rrd
-rw-rw-r--. 1 netflow nginx   5193448 mar  7 17:45 peer1.rrd
-rw-rw-r--. 1 netflow nginx   5193448 mar  7 17:45 peer2.rrd
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 netflow nginx   5193448 mar  7 17:45 peer3.rrd
-rw-rw-r--. 1 netflow nginx       328 mar  7 17:45 profile.dat
-rw-rw-r--. 1 netflow nginx   5193448 mar  7 17:45 upstream1.rrd

And the nfsen configuration file:

$BASEDIR = "/var/local/nfsen";
$HTMLDIR    = "/var/www/nfsen/";
$PREFIX  = '/usr/bin';
$USER    = "netflow";
$WWWUSER  = "nginx";
$WWWGROUP = "nginx";
$BUFFLEN = 200000;
$ZIPcollected	 = 1;
$ZIPprofiles	 = 1;
%sources = (
    'peer1'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },
    'peer2'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },
    'peer3'        => { 'port' => '9996', 'IP' => '' },
$low_water = 90;
$syslog_facility = 'local3';
@plugins = (
%PluginConf = (
	demoplugin => {
		param2 => 42,
		param1 => { 'key' => 'value' },
	otherplugin => [ 
		'mary had a little lamb' 
$MAIL_FROM   = '[email protected]';
$SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost';
$MAIL_BODY	 = q{ 
Alert '@alert@' triggered at timeslot @timeslot@

Do you have any idea what could be going on? I have created the sym link since the device looks like this in LibreNMS:


Are you running rrdcached? Also, just fyi, the nfsen integration only show the live profile graphs for packets/bits/flows.

no, I am not using RRGCache . Should I use it?

### Enable this to use rrdcached. Be sure rrd_dir is within the rrdcached dir
### and that your web server has permission to talk to rrdcached.
#$config['rrdcached']    = "unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock";

Well…thats depends to you. RRDCached will save you a lot of IO in the disks.

But, was asking only coz with rrdcached, special instructions are needed.

Last time I did, I do remember something about having issues with symbolic links and then using hosts insteads IP

Do you think I am missing something here? Or any log where I should dig into?


I am new to the LibreNMS, so my apologies if questions sounds awkward.
My task is - collect netflow data and have graphics per device sending netflow.
I did install VM purely from LibreNMS OVA provided ( Having Cisco ASA as netflow source i see “nfcapd.XXXXXXXXX” files collected, also ‘nfdump -R /var/cache/nfdump/ -n 10 -s ip/bytes’ shows data human readable.
I did stick to ‘NFSen - LibreNMS Docs’ configuring nfsen integration. The very 1st confusion hit me at ‘When adding sources to nfsen.conf…’ - no word before where this file can be found, but ok, search did its job, placed into ‘/var/nfsen/etc’.
2nd confusion is regarding RRD files creation - there are none of created in the path defined in “NfSen RRD Directories”. Creating empty file, according “lnms config:set nfsen_split_char ‘_’” shows error “RRDTool Output ERROR: rrdcached@unix:/run/rrdcached.sock: /var/nfsen/profiles-stat/live/172_16_3_2.rrd: Permission denied”. Setting permissions as 666 and or 777 for file does not help.

Again - default LibreNMS setup from OVA, no deviations during setup.

My questions are:

  1. what are dependencies to enable nfsen?
  2. what else can i do to make graphs to be created?

Verified ‘validate.php’ - all clean, except debug enabled, which does not help either.

Thank you in advance.