NFSen Integration

Hi guys,

Just want to know if there is someone who successfully integrates NFSen to LibreNMS?
What are the requirements? Does it have to be in separate server? Or could run in a single server?

Most especially, a clear instruction of the configuration and setup of NFSen and LibreNMS.

Advance thank you for those who are willing to share their knowledge.

HI @rysantiago

What you get with the NFSen integration is only the Packets/Flows/Traffic graphs.

Said that, whats your issue? If you follow the docs it should work.

I did it as a separate VM, and then mounted a folder where NFSen stores all the data on my LibreNMS box.

Personally - After setting it up, I didn’t find it to be all that worth it.

As @TheGreatDoc alludes to, there’s not a huge deal of info that currently shows with it in LibreNMS.

See below as an example:

I’m not sure if it was necessarily required, but because I was also using Sflow rather than netflow, I compiled NFDump from source, which was actually quite frustrating to do, as the docs for it didn’t document all the required dependencies.

This is what I did to install NFDump:

apt update
apt-get install apt-utils dialog apache2 php7.2  pkg-config rrdtool librrd-dev
apt install libtool autoconf autogen
apt install bison byacc  flex -y
apt-get install libbz2-dev
cd /usr/src
cd nfdump-1.6.17
mkdir m4
./configure --enable-nfprofile --enable-sflow
make && make install
# Without below this, later nfsen installation says:
# /usr/local/bin/nfdump: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

LibreNMS config:

$config['nfsen_enable'] = 1;
#$config['nfsen_split_char']   = '_';
$config['nfsen_rrds'][]   = '/data/nfsen/profiles-stat/live/';
$config['nfsen_rrds'][] = '/data/nfsen/profiles-stat';
$config['nfsen_suffix']   = "";

So I have NFsen server mounted to /data/nfsen

Cumulus Linux have a good section and link to an article on setting up nfsen:

If I was to do it again, I would rather have spent the time trying to get this working:




Thanks @mattie47 this is very helpful!!

Now, I know what will be the result. Our objectives is to monitor the usage of each users using LibreNMS. But as per the screenshots you’ve provided I think this add-on does not meet our requirement.

But still, I would like to express my appreciation to you guys for being an active member of the community. Keep up the good work and have a good day!!


anyone get his error after running sudo ./configure

configure: error: libevent not found

I have the following curently installed:
libev-dev libev-libevent-dev libev4 libevent-1.4-2 libevent-2.1-6 libevent-core-1.4-2 libevent-extra-1.4-2 libevent-perl

installed another libevent-dev and am now seeing a new error message.

configure: error: nfsdcltrack requires sqlite-devel