Hi all,
I have a problem: I’ve installed NFSen (I think well, because it’s running) but I cannot see the NF tab in my LibreNMS’home page.
I have edited only /opt/librenms/include/defaults.inc.php
I did it and I reboot the web server with “sudo shutdown -r now”, but no tab appears there, do you know if there should be a new tab or something integrated in another page?
then im guessing that something is not set correctly in config.php
If you look in html/pages/device.inc.php you can find the code where it tries to convert librenms device hostname to a nfsen rrd file. It does this in three steps on the hostname:
1- regex replace any “.” with the nfsen_split_char
2- strstr to strip off the nfsen_suffix from the end
3- add $config[‘nfsen_rrds’] the the beginning and “.rrd” to the end
Since you seem to be saying that your nfsen rrd files have your domain name (_example_net), I think your nfsen_suffix should = “”. But you tried that.