Nginx "504 Gateway Time-out"

Hi there,

I’m new in LibreNMS (yet :slight_smile: ). I made a clean install based on the installation guide (Ubuntu 16.04 and Nginx).
Everything seems great but I have a strange problem: If I see a dinamically refreshing page (e.g. a device page) and the “refresh in” timer expires the refresh doesn’t successful. --> The web page is loading for minutes, the 'refresh in" timer counts forward(!) and finally I get “504 Gateway Time-out” message.

I see the following in Nginx log:

Could you help me or give some advice?

Connection times out on the server…Sounds like its your server or network.

Could be a long shot but since the ports page that requires lots a memory to load try increasing the php memory.

Follow this link ->


Thank you for your help. I increased the amount of memory and it’s working.

Happy Holidays!

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