No Data file port-id.rrd after adding a new device

Need assistance on the following error. I just added a Cisco Firepower and no polling received for ports/interfaces.

$ ./validate.php

Component Version
LibreNMS 23.7.0-75-g8ee1a2034 (2023-08-14T06:16:45-07:00)
DB Schema 2023_08_02_120455_vendor_ouis_unique_index (255)
PHP 8.1.12
Python 3.10.12
Database MariaDB 10.6.12-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.9.1

[OK] Composer Version: 2.5.8
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database Schema is current
[OK] SQL Server meets minimum requirements
[OK] lower_case_table_names is enabled
[OK] MySQL engine is optimal
[OK] Database and column collations are correct
[OK] Database schema correct
[OK] MySQl and PHP time match
[OK] Active pollers found
[OK] Dispatcher Service not detected
[OK] Locks are functional
[OK] Python poller wrapper is polling
[OK] Redis is unavailable
[OK] rrdtool version ok
[OK] Connected to rrdcached

./discovery.php -h HOSTNAME -d | ./ → Untitled - LibreNMS
./poller.php -h HOSTNAME -r -f -d | ./ → Untitled - LibreNMS

Noticed also that under the device graph page, it is missing the IP and port-id number.rrd
RRDTool Command

rrdtool graph /tmp/PeR8ci2dnuXOhYLM --start 1692300900 --end 1692387300 --width 1712 --height 541 --font LEGEND:8:DejaVuSansMono --font AXIS:7:DejaVuSansMono --font-render-mode normal -c FONT#bfc0c0 -c BACK#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEA#EEEEEE00 -c SHADEB#EEEEEE00 -c CANVAS#FFFFFF00 -c GRID#292929 -c MGRID#2f343e -c FRAME#5e5e5e -c ARROW#5e5e5e --alt-autoscale-max --rigid --slope-mode DEF:outoctets=/port-id.rrd:OUTOCTETS:AVERAGE DEF:inoctets=/port-id.rrd:INOCTETS:AVERAGE DEF:outoctets_max=/port-id.rrd:OUTOCTETS:MAX DEF:inoctets_max=/port-id.rrd:INOCTETS:MAX CDEF:octets=inoctets,outoctets,+ CDEF:doutoctets=outoctets,-1,* CDEF:outbits=outoctets,8,* CDEF:outbits_max=outoctets_max,8,* CDEF:doutoctets_max=outoctets_max,-1,* CDEF:doutbits=doutoctets,8,* CDEF:doutbits_max=doutoctets_max,8,* CDEF:inbits=inoctets,8,* CDEF:inbits_max=inoctets_max,8,* VDEF:totin=inoctets,TOTAL VDEF:totout=outoctets,TOTAL VDEF:tot=octets,TOTAL CDEF:dpercentile_outn=doutbits,-1,* VDEF:dpercentile_outnp=dpercentile_outn,95,PERCENT CDEF:dpercentile_outnpn=doutbits,doutbits,-,dpercentile_outnp,-1,*,+ VDEF:dpercentile_out=dpercentile_outnpn,FIRST VDEF:percentile_in=inbits,95,PERCENT VDEF:percentile_out=outbits,95,PERCENT COMMENT:‘bps Now Ave Max 95th %\n’ AREA:inbits_max#D7FFC7: AREA:inbits#90B040: LINE:inbits#608720:‘In ’ GPRINT:inbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s GPRINT:inbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s GPRINT:inbits_max:MAX:%6.2lf%s GPRINT:percentile_in:%6.2lf%s\n AREA:doutbits_max#E0E0FF: AREA:doutbits#8080C0: LINE:doutbits#606090:‘Out’ GPRINT:outbits:LAST:%6.2lf%s GPRINT:outbits:AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s GPRINT:outbits_max:MAX:%6.2lf%s GPRINT:percentile_out:%6.2lf%s\n GPRINT:tot:‘Total %6.2lf%sB’ GPRINT:totin:’(In %6.2lf%sB’ GPRINT:totout:‘Out %6.2lf%sB)\l’ LINE1:percentile_in#aa0000 LINE1:dpercentile_out#aa0000 --daemon unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock
RRDTool Output

ERROR: rrdcached@unix:/var/run/rrdcached.sock: rrd_fetch_r failed: opening ‘/opt/librenms/rrd/port-id.rrd’: No such file or directory

When asking for help and support, please provide as much information as possible. This should include:

  • Steps to reproduce an issue.
  • The output of ./validate.php

If it’s an issue with the WebUI then please consider including a screenshot and the browser version you are using.

If you are having troubles with discovery/polling include the pastebin output of:

./discovery.php -h HOSTNAME -d | ./ -->
./poller.php -h HOSTNAME -r -f -d | ./ -->

If you need to post any text longer than a few lines, please use a pastebin service such as using non-expiring pastes.

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