No PoE graphs on Cisco Catalyst 3500/4500

Hello Everyone,

I’ve started moving to Libre from Observium and love it so far. Everything seems snappier and the graphs show more detail than Observium. The one thing I’ve noticed that I’m missing in Libre is Voltage, Current, and dBm on our layer 2 Catalyst 3500/4500 chassis switches. These categories are completely missing from the Health tab of these devices. Interestingly, our Nexus 7000 and Catalyst 6500 devices are showing these tabs (even though we do not have any PoE on those devices since they’re at the core and distribution layers.

I tried to follow the rules and paste the ./poller and ./discovery results but the output was too big for pastebin. Is there a line I should search for in the output that would at least tell me that the devices are reporting the PoE information? I added $config[‘enable_ports_poe’] = 1 to my config.php file but that didn’t seem to make a difference. validation shows “OK” for all sections in the web GUI.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I’m confused here, your title talks about PoE but then you say some health information is missing. Which one is it?

Sorry about the confusion, I’m used to seeing the PoE graphs (current, voltage) displayed under the health tab for a switch. I realize that this information should also be under the ports tab, but I don’t see I there either. I can see the PoE graphs for one of these switches within Observium, so I know they are capable of reporting their PoE usage per port. I’m out of the office today, but I can provide some screenshots tomorrow if that would help.

Thanks again!

So actual voltage and current of the poe ports then? I don’t actually think we record that info, you’d have to create an issue on github and provide all the info asked for there. No screenshots from observium though please.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly about this. I won’t post any screenshots from Obs, but the two I did upload to this post show what the Health tab on a Catalyst 6500 (the first screenshot) looks like, and what the Health tab on a Catalyst 4500 looks like (the second screenshot). This is what caused me to post originally, since one model of switch shows Current and Voltage data, but others do not. It’s fine if I can’t get this information to show in the Web interface, I just thought I’d ask.

Thanks again!