Not able to monitor apache application on librenms

i am running librenms on apache2 and i am trying to monitor the apache 2 application, i am seeing the following error

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/etc/snmp/", line 42, in f = open(cachefile + ".TMP." + str(os.getpid()), "w") PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/cache/librenms/apache-snmp.TMP.110506

how do i fix this please help


Have you configured apache to allow connections from LibreNMS?

It tells you what’s wrong, Snmp cannot write the file /var/cache/librenms/apache-snmp.TMP.110506 so fix the permission for that folder

i am new to ubuntu, apologies for the silly questions

@Sparky i am not sure how to check or allow the connections from librenms to apache
@Jellyfrog i dont know how to do it, hence i posted it here for help

@Jellyfrog look for apache logs on the server and see if connections are 200 or denied from LibreNMS.
Make sure /var/cache/librenms/apache is owned by the user LibreNMS is running

@Sparky could you please tell me how to do this as i explained in the previous post i am new to ubuntu and dont know how to do it

Click the gear in the upper right corner
Select validate from the drop down
Follow the instructions for any of the errors

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