NTI E-MINI-LXO is a Environment Monitoring System. NTI has lots of devices for different purposes.
But LibreNMS cannot recognized Environment Monitoring System devices.
First I took the result of oid.
snmpwalk -v2c -c xxx .
iso. = STRING: “Linux mini-lxob 2.6.38 #1 Fri Sep 16 16:36:35 EDT 2022 armv5tejl”
I try to catch from Linux mini-lob word and edited present nti.yaml as below and uploaded the mib file under miss/nti folder.
Could you give me SNMP access to this device? Your snmp(bulk)walk files are very small and seem to be missing the entire 3699 PEN
Looks like there’s a bug in their SNMP implementation, as they don’t seem to have included their own MIB in the list of supported MIBs (the iso. tree)