Nut alerting

hi can anyone please help me with alerting in librenms? I want to send an email alert if the battery charge drops below 50%. I use ups nut. Thanks

You should show what you’ve tried first. Have a search on here or look at the rules collection in the webui. Once you start to put together a rule it should be easier and then you’ll know for the future

Well, I do not think it is because the data is not stored in the database.

I tried to make a PR.

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PR done and work.

My test

%sensors.sensor_type = “ups-nut” &&x%sensors.sensor_descr = “Battery Charge” &&x%sensors.sensor_current <= 30 &&

Alert for device - Ups warning
Severity: warning
Timestamp: 2017-12-01 10:31:34
Unique-ID: 10988
Rule: Ups warning
#1: sensor_id => 1830; sensor_oid =>
.; sensor_descr
=> Battery Charge;
Alert sent to: NOC
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