Opsgenie integration - double alert

I am doing an integration with Opsgenie that when a rule is triggered it is supposed to send a trigger to Opsgenie and there is supposed to be an escalation in the form of the phone ringing 2 minutes after the trigger. However, when I do an ACK on LibreNMS it should send an ACK trigger to Opsgenie and the escalation should not take place, in opsgenie the incident is also marked as an ACK after a while and everything is fine here.
The problem is that I get double alerts to the incident via LibreNMS, once when the alert works and the second time when I confirm the alert in LibreNMS. The recovery alert is only once which is ok.

I tried disabling these two options in the global settings and it didn’t help.

On the other hand, when I turned off this rule to no longer send double alerts, but also the trigger to Opsgenie about ACK did not go, so this is not what I want.

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