I have recently installed librenms, and it has been going great… But some of the overall traffic graphs look wrong to me.
The example below shows traffic on a fortigate firewall, none of the interfaces are faster than 1Gbps but the graph show out traffic up to 2gbps… When I show the legend the max for any of the ports is always less than 1Gbps.
I have searched the forums and I have setup RRDTune and run a script to remove peaks but this issue remains…
If I go to each of the ports and look at the graphs these all look correct, and are less than 1Gbps…
I am now at a loss to explain this behaviour? Screenshot below shows the graph with the 3 ports that are active.
What are each of the interfaces? Port 14 looks like it may be one and the same as the “lan” interface? Some devices do this so you have an aggregated interface to monitor if you’re grouping or bonding. Not sure about Fortigate. But I guess the thing to keep in mind is that this graph is all the interfaces LibreNMS finds in SNMP stacked on top of each other for in and out. So if there are interfaces that appear in SNMP with multiple names you would expect to see the doubling.