Oddest thing, I have 3 AOSCX switch stacks and when I attempt to access the config through Libre, it throws me a 504 Gateway time-out. It doesn’t happen on any other devices when viewing configs.
Any insight or direction anyone can point me that would be terrific. I will add that the configs are backing up fine through oxidized and I can see them on the filesystem. Device #'s match etc. URL looks good.
Within LibreNMS I click “Devices–>All Devices–>Network” and see my 23 switches, which is comprised of
-(2) Cisco Nexus Switches
-(3) Aruba AOSCX switches
-(18) Aruba Switches
For the (18) Aruba switches, I can click one of the devices from the list and I have Overview | Graphs | Health | Ports | VLANs | Neighbours | STP | Inventory | Logs | Alerts | Alert States | CONFIG | Latency | Notes (the config menu option appears for the Cisco / AOSCX switches also but clicking it yields 504 gateway timeout).
When I click “CONFIG” on any of the (18) Aruba switches, the config shows up, along with version etc.
The AOSCX and (just noticed) The Cisco Nexus switches only yield a 504 Gateway Time-out.
in my /opt/librenms/rrd directory everything looks consistent between the stuff that works and the stuff that doesn’t work.
If anyone has any ideas of what threads I should pull at to suss this out it would be appreciated.