Oxidized AOSCX 504 Gateway Time-out

Oddest thing, I have 3 AOSCX switch stacks and when I attempt to access the config through Libre, it throws me a 504 Gateway time-out. It doesn’t happen on any other devices when viewing configs.

Any insight or direction anyone can point me that would be terrific. I will add that the configs are backing up fine through oxidized and I can see them on the filesystem. Device #'s match etc. URL looks good.

Can you see the config in the Oxidized web interface? That’s all LibreNMS does

Forgive me for not being more concise.

Within LibreNMS I click “Devices–>All Devices–>Network” and see my 23 switches, which is comprised of
-(2) Cisco Nexus Switches
-(3) Aruba AOSCX switches
-(18) Aruba Switches

For the (18) Aruba switches, I can click one of the devices from the list and I have Overview | Graphs | Health | Ports | VLANs | Neighbours | STP | Inventory | Logs | Alerts | Alert States | CONFIG | Latency | Notes (the config menu option appears for the Cisco / AOSCX switches also but clicking it yields 504 gateway timeout).

When I click “CONFIG” on any of the (18) Aruba switches, the config shows up, along with version etc.
The AOSCX and (just noticed) The Cisco Nexus switches only yield a 504 Gateway Time-out.

in my /opt/librenms/rrd directory everything looks consistent between the stuff that works and the stuff that doesn’t work.

If anyone has any ideas of what threads I should pull at to suss this out it would be appreciated.

Oxidized has its own web interface (on port 8888 by default), check you can access the devices config within that interface (NOT LibreNMS)