Oxidized not reading IPv6 from LibreNMS

I am having some problems with my oxidized integration with LibreNMS. In LibreNMS I have all my devices connected via UDP6 and reporting a proper IPv6 address. When I run the curl to “librenms/api/v0/oxidized” It returns a list of all my devices with their IPv6 address listed.

However, when I go to oxidized (both within LibreNMS and it’s locally served site) it reports only an IPv4 address for these devices. These are remote devices and I don’t have any tunnels setup to route v4 between them and my LibreNMS or Oxidized servers (the whole reason I set up IPv6 in the first place).

What am I missing to get oxidized to properly read and respect IPv6 from LibreNMS?

I don’t think the “ip” is used by Oxidized.

I’m not sure where Oxidized IPv6 support is at, but you could try forcing it to resolve AAAA only.

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