Hi @murrant. api/v0/oxidized returns 1,357 devices, the same number listed in LibreNMS /devices. However, Oxidized still sees only 1,092 devices. lnms config:get oxidized.ignore_os returns only [], so no OS should be ignored.
Is there a list of which OS are known to not have backup models in Oxidized? If so, I could count those and see if they add up to 265 (the difference between what LibreNMS sees and what Oxidized sees).
Yep, this was because LibreNMS returns some devices for which Oxidized does not have a model. For anyone wishing to check this themselves, the models are stored in /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/oxidized-0.29.1/lib/oxidized/model/ though your version numbers may differ.