Hello folks,
I have the following Oxidized config, where I have had debugging disabled all over the place, yet my /vat/messages are getting to to gigabytes because oxidized is debugging the h out of it. Any ideas on where else I can disable debugging to stop this and save me some disk space?
Here my config: https://pastebin.com/WbJ7Vs4R
Here are the debug messages samples which I want to stop all: https://pastebin.com/m11a5jnz
First try running your config through the validator in LibreNMS. There are several errors that need attention. It’s in /tools/tool=oxidized-cfg-check/ in the gui. (Overview menu, tools, oxizided, oxidized config validation)
Thank you. My configuration is working as needed and delivery everything as required. The only problem is this additional debugging messages.
Thank you for the comment. I have checked and validated my config using multiple YAML editing tools, as well as against the config posted in the webpage you are referencing, and I’m still getting those debug notes constantly. Look at the config I have pasted in paste bin, you will find it pretty much copy paste from the sample confg + some additions.
Any other place you would think I can check to disable debugging globally?