Oxidized tuning


I have installed librenms+oxidized

And i have 2 questions

  1. How i can edit timezone in Last sync tab, because it shows not correct time, server and devices located in EEST timezone

  2. How i can add new button in oxidized device tab, like button refresh for example

I think…

Oxidized API delivers a UTC date https://github.com/ytti/oxidized/issues/386 so someone would need to convert it in LibreNMS possibly to the php tz, or feel free to submit a PR.

Oxdized-Web should show correct timezone, and switched from server timezone (zdump /etc/localtime) to the client Browser timezone https://whatismytimezone.com/

Although oxidized on his own web interface shows correct time

For example on screenshots

1.Oxidized on librenms
2.Oxidized on his own web interface

Yep matches what i said :slight_smile:

So what i must to do, to fix this ?

Should I expect to solve the problem?

This is a community driven project, so unless someone see’s this important enough to solve, then you are either stuck on waiting or could try to code some timezone conversion in and send a pull request.

See here for more info on getting started: https://docs.librenms.org/Developing/

need this to be fixed