Page open very slowly

How do your poller times look like?
If you are running into timeouts, this can also cause ports to be marked as down.


Thanks for your reply.
Our network is stable.
Can delete all of it?

At the moment there is no Mass deletion.
You would have to write a little script for that.

What happens when you poll a single device and then just refresh the page of this particular device?

@Jarod2801 @rockman There is mass delete.

In the Deleted Ports page, upper right corner. Purge all deleted


Thanks for your reply.

I had deleted the ports this morning use sql.
But I still don’t know what is that meaning?


Thanks for your reply.
DELETE P FROM ports AS P join devices as D on D.device_id = P.device_id WHERE P.deleted = ‘1’
I deleteed those this morning use up sql.

Could show me how those port meaning? Up,Down,shutdown.
I can’t find this at official.


@TheGreatDoc you’re right.
I thought he wanted to delete the devices.

I run 4.5k devices on my install with no webui issues, especially to the scale of 15 minutes.

You really need to fix what’s in validate, don’t just ignore it.


Thanks for your advice. I will continue to investigate on validate issue.
After I deleted the delete port, the page was faster, but it was not fast enough.

How did you deal with the delete port?
I create a script(DELETE P FROM ports AS P join devices as D on D.device_id = P.device_id WHERE P.deleted = ‘1’) timely run it.
