Per-poller historical device and port count graphs

Hi, I’d like to see some stats similar to those tracked at but as historical graphs within my own instance. Two graphs in particular could be good additions to the performance page:

Polled Device Count: A stacked graph with one line counting polled devices of each type, with total count shown in the legend.

Total Port Count: A simple graph counting all ports discovered, possibly with extra series overlaid showing counts for other interesting port states (polling disabled, alerts ignored, errored above 0 EPS or some configurable threshold, and combinations of admin + oper states).

An organization could use these to visualize how their monitored environment changes over time, how well port state management is improving, and to provide context for historical changes in the existing graphs for total polling time or time per module.

I haven’t been able to find this suggested elsewhere, and I’m looking into adding it myself but it seems to be well over my head.