PHP version too low [which is not] Issue


Today I received a notification about my PHP version 7.2.14 which is considered as low which should not be.

This is probably a bug, when I checked Github it was mentioning;

Please do not post bugs or ask questions

So I dediced to put it here.

validation.php output as below;

Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS  | 1.48.1-27-gc7c1ca2c5
DB Schema | 2019_01_16_195644_add_vrf_id_and_bgpLocalAs (131)
PHP       |
MySQL     | 10.1.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1
RRDTool   | 1.7.0
SNMP      | NET-SNMP 5.7.3

[OK]    Composer Version: 1.8.3
[OK]    Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK]    Database connection successful
[OK]    Database schema correct

Is there any workaround currently or will it really stop getting updates?

Thanks in advane!

Check Bug report

You will still get notification in webui due to a bug, but you are ready to go without issues.

Fix had been applied just run daily again and validate.

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