Pi-hole app error

Hello all.

Hope I can get some help here; getting nothing trying to monitor pi-hole. The graphs are there, app is enabled but the graphs are empty.

I’ve followed the LibreNMS docs explaning how to setup on the pi-hole (running on an RPi v1 - Raspbian Jessie). When trying to execute the pi-hole script, I get this error:

root@pihole:/etc/snmp# ./pi-hole
./pi-hole: line 68: jq: command not found
(23) Failed writing body

Is this something others have experienced?


From that error i would try installing that package, e.g apt install jq

I’m not entirely sure that jq is on the default repo-lists… But, yes. Seems that you are just missing jq.

Thank you guys… That did the trick :slight_smile:

I couldn’t read that from the error message and did not know there is a package called ‘jq’

But I see figures in my graphs now and I’m happy.

Thanks again