Ping graphs optimization

Hello guys,

i set up Smokeping on our LibreNMS system and im now able to see the “ping” submenu where an “Average” and “Aggregate” Incoming graph is shown. However it reports packet loss but it does not show when this happened. Is it possible to make those integrated graphs show the same as the original smokeping graphs? I attached a screenshot (left side smokeping graph, right side librenms graph)

Thank you for your help,


It’s showing in the graph. Are you wanting to edit the graph? You can but that would require some changes. You are more than welcome to edit anything you like.

Im not sure if i understand correctly, but the Graph in LibreNMS only shows the Derivation (SDev) visually. Packet loss is only shown as a number below the graph. But its not clear in which period this occured. I zoomed to three hours, please find the attached file.