Please add network devices from Pan Dacom Direkt

Hi there,

It would be great to have support for the network devices produced by Pan Dacom Direkt, especially the 5RU modular rack system “SPEED-OTS-5000” with the “SPEED-NMS” management card as well as the “SPEED-MUX 200G” muxponder card. More information can be found here:

I will also attach outputs of discovery, poller and snmpbulkwalk:

rest in next post

If you need more information don’t hesitate to ask me :slight_smile:

Best regards

I managed it by myself and now I want to share my work :slight_smile: where should I leave the yaml and png files?

Maybe @murrant can help?

Best regards

Hi Alex,

can you share your solution to me ? We also want to add the Pandacoms to LibreNMS. Actually we only get the RX/TX Rates from the Management Card, not from the Linecards :frowning:

Do you solved that issue?

Kind regards