Poller doesn't run automatically

Tried that already, it seems that the mysql database just places everything in lower cases:
MariaDB [librenms]> RENAME TABLE bgppeers TO _bgppeers;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)

MariaDB [librenms]> RENAME TABLE `_bgppeers` TO `bgpPeers`;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [librenms]> show tables ;
| Tables_in_librenms       |
| access_points            |
| alert_log                |
| alert_map                |
| alert_rules              |
| alert_schedule           |
| alert_schedule_items     |
| alert_template_map       |
| alert_templates          |
| alerts                   |
| api_tokens               |
| applications             |
| authlog                  |
| bgppeers                 |
| bgppeers_cbgp            |
| bill_data                |
| bill_history             |
| bill_perms               |
| bill_port_counters       |
| bill_ports               |
| bills                    |
| callback                 |
| cef_switching            |
| ciscoasa                 |
| component                |
| component_prefs          |
| component_statuslog      |
| config                   |
| customers                |
| dashboards               |
| dbschema                 |
| device_graphs            |
| device_group_device      |
| device_groups            |
| device_mibs              |
| device_oids              |
| device_perf              |
| devices                  |
| devices_attribs          |
| devices_perms            |
| entphysical              |
| entphysical_state        |
| eventlog                 |
| graph_types              |
| graph_types_dead         |
| hrdevice                 |
| ipsec_tunnels            |
| ipv4_addresses           |
| ipv4_mac                 |
| ipv4_networks            |
| ipv6_addresses           |
| ipv6_networks            |
| juniatmvp                |
| links                    |
| loadbalancer_rservers    |
| loadbalancer_vservers    |
| locations                |
| mac_accounting           |
| mefinfo                  |
| mempools                 |
| mibdefs                  |
| munin_plugins            |
| munin_plugins_ds         |
| netscaler_vservers       |
| notifications            |
| notifications_attribs    |
| ospf_areas               |
| ospf_instances           |
| ospf_nbrs                |
| ospf_ports               |
| packages                 |
| pdb_ix                   |
| pdb_ix_peers             |
| perf_times               |
| plugins                  |
| poller_groups            |
| pollers                  |
| port_association_mode    |
| ports                    |
| ports_adsl               |
| ports_perms              |
| ports_stack              |
| ports_statistics         |
| ports_stp                |
| ports_vlans              |
| processes                |
| processors               |
| proxmox                  |
| proxmox_ports            |
| pseudowires              |
| route                    |
| sensors                  |
| sensors_to_state_indexes |
| services                 |
| session                  |
| slas                     |
| state_indexes            |
| state_translations       |
| storage                  |
| stp                      |
| syslog                   |
| tnmsneinfo               |
| toner                    |
| ucd_diskio               |
| users                    |
| users_prefs              |
| users_widgets            |
| vlans                    |
| vminfo                   |
| vrf_lite_cisco           |
| vrfs                     |
| widgets                  |
111 rows in set (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [librenms]>