Auto Polling and Database lower case tables names

Auto Polling is not working and when i ran ./validate.php:

Running on Docker on MacOS so --lower-case-table-names=1 cannot be 0 otherwise this error occurs: The server option 'lower_case_table_names' is configured to use case sensitive table names but the data directory resides on a case-insensitive file system. Please use a case sensitive file system for your data directory or switch to a case-insensitive table name mode.

Docker Compose File for DB:

    image: mariadb:10
    container_name: librenms_db
    - NET_RAW
      - "mysqld"
      - "--innodb-file-per-table=1"
      - "--lower-case-table-names=1"
      - "--character-set-server=utf8mb4"
      - "--collation-server=utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
      - "./db:/var/lib/mysql"
      - "TZ=${TZ}"
    restart: always

Tried Looking into this:

Unfortunately you need a case sensitive file system, you can create a fake volume in DiskUtility on mac and use a case sensitive filesystem, spin the docker vm up on that new partition. Works fine.