Poll times are ranging from 10-268.86 seconds. I’ve tried disabling modules and playing with the threads but can’t seem to find the magic number. Any recommendations would be great - Any CPU i throw at the machine seems to just get chewed up.
Take a look at the poller logs and see if it’s only some devices that take a long time. Then for that device check which module takes the longest and try disabling it. I have seen for example on a brocade switch port polling taking 5minutes but with ports module disabled the polling took only 10s.
I have already checked the modules it appears ports and processors is taking the longest and we’d prefer to keep this data - is there anything I can do there to tune?
Since the poller is working, but just not improving i would be looking elsewhere
Try run atop on the box and check to see if the cpu is waiting on disk.
Run an MTR trace to some high polled devices to see if you have some issues in the network.
Do you have any resource limits specified in your docker-compose files & check for load stats of different containers
Try run an snmpwalk from the librenms vm, then try it from a different box ideally outside that environment, measure it with the time command. See if it’s quicker
Apologies bit of a novice here on Librenms how do I go about doing that?
I’ve managed to reduce load by dropping threads to 2 which currently seems stable however I’ll check again in the morning as I can assume this will impact my polling times. So currently 12 CPU showing 24 Poller processes (I presume that is correct).