I’m trying to figure some issues I’m having with LibreNMS.
My librenms cron is configured to call the poller-wrapper each 10 minutes, it starts running and after all the poller processes finishes, the poller-wrapper also finishes, but sometimes the process poller-wrapper does not end, it still shows up when I run a ps on the system.
And sometimes I also get some defunct rrdtool as well.
What could cause this issue?
In this machine I’m polling around 890 devices (880 of them are juniper firewalls and the rest are linux servers) and the total polling time is 395 seconds, I’m using memcached and rrdcached with a shared nfs mount point, the server is a virtual machine with 8 cores and 28 GB of ram running CentOS 7.4
Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS | 1.33-229-g92f83c2
DB Schema | 222
PHP | 7.1.11
MySQL | 5.5.56-MariaDB
RRDTool | 1.4.8