Ports_fdb entries not updating after 11/13

I’m having issues with entries in ports_fdb that haven’t updated since 11/13.

MariaDB [librenms]> select min(updated_at), max(updated_at) from ports_fdb where device_id = 117;
| min(updated_at)     | max(updated_at)     |
| 2021-11-12 22:02:12 | 2021-11-13 00:02:28 |
1 row in set (0.005 sec)

running the fdb-table module in discovery.php makes it seem like it’s not ‘picking up’ interface indexes as it should

SNMP['/usr/bin/snmpwalk' '-M' '/opt/librenms/mibs:/opt/librenms/mibs/cisco' '-v3' '-l' 'authPriv' '-n'     'vlan-514' '-x' 'AES' '-X' 'PASSWORD' '-a' 'SHA' '-A' 'PASSWORD' '-u' 'USER' '-OQXUte' 'udp:HOSTNAME:161' 'BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dBasePortIfIndex']
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dBasePortIfIndex[49] = 56
BRIDGE-MIB::dot1dBasePortIfIndex[336] = 256

SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [117,null] 10.72ms]

SQL[SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ? [117,null] 7.61ms]

Version details are below - anybody else having similar issues / know a solution? Thanks in advance!
Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS | 21.11.0-27-g87951d28f
DB Schema | 2021_11_17_105321_device_add_display_field (226)
PHP | 7.3.33
Python | 3.6.8
MySQL | 10.3.28-MariaDB
RRDTool | 1.7.0
SNMP | 5.8

I think I found the underlying cause on my own - it appears the dictionary keys access interface index data in ios.inc.php have typos. I have more details in this pull request: https://github.com/librenms/librenms/pull/13559

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