Ports status changed

We are changing our network equipments and our needs are changing, so we decided to unpatch ports that have been down for at least fifteen months. When we unpatch those ports, we often find ourself with less network equipment to buy for our rempacement plan. Our network equipments are Aruba and we use both librenms and Aruba’s Airwave (less and less because Aruba ceased Airwave developpment).
I have 2 questions about ports status changed :
#1 : Why is this information not in the device / ports section ? Is there a way to add this information as a column ? I only found it in the ports section and then I have to filter on the device.
#2 : The status changed I have in librenms doesn’t exceed 3 months… On airwave I have ports that have been down for 4 years. Is there a way to go beyond 3 months ? I thought it might be caused by the Global Settings / System / Cleanup automatisation, but none of my entries correspond to 3 months.

Could you indicate me where to change that… if avaiable.

Thanks !

+1 I am interested in this as well.

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