Pre-built image based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I am looking to use LibreNMS for monitoring of three Synology units.

I have tried installing using the instructions below:

But get issues at step 3.

I am now downloading the pre-built image but have a few questions:

  1. Is this image Ubuntu with LibreNMS already installed?
  2. Do I download the OVA or VMDK image?

I am using VirtualBox which it was for.

Any help much appreciated, just finding my feet :slight_smile:

Ahhh, ok, I got this all figured, now I have the pre-built image installed and I am logged into ssh.

I am now having difficulty understanding what I need to do next, and reading the docs, it is not that clear for a relative newbie to Linux.

I have this installed on VirtualBox running on my Mac mini.

So really, can I log into the web and start configuring, and if so, how do I log into the webui?

Or are there config steps I now need to take through SSH?

Any help very much appreciated :slight_smile:

If you followed the install docs you would have been prompted to create a user account, use that to login and then start adding devices.

I used the pre-built image so have all the login details.

My issue is, how do I access the web, not how do I log in to it. I will be able to lg in to it if I can work out how to access it.

What URL do I use?

I think you should use ip address to access webui.

My apologies if my question seems stupid to all those who have the gift of knowledge, I was simply looking for some help with this product, obviously I came to the wrong place.

My sincerest of apologies.

sorry, i didn’t meant to offend you… it might be that i misunderstood your question. I am new to this too. Is your problem accessing web in general or finding WebUI?

No sorry from me, I find some linux types can get quite snippy with n00bs like me :slight_smile:
I couldn’t figure out what IP address to use to access it, but I installed ubuntu gun and used local host. so I am now in and up and running, have bridged the connection from my VM so can access it from my Mac directly.

I just now need to start learning how to build dashboards for my Synology NASs.

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