Proxy issue between local pushgateway and alerting (slack notifications)


I have a local pushgateway running on my LibreNMS VM : localhost:9091. The goal of this pushgateway is to collect metrics for Prometheus to scrape them. I have a proxy set up for all ‘external traffic’ as slack notifications for instance. But internal trafic like metrics to be send to the pushgateway needs to not use the proxy.
For now, I could find a way to avoid a conflict between Slack needed configuration (proxy set up) and Pushgateway one (no proxy).
I have followed the Proxy Support part in Configuration Docs to set up the proxy for Slack :
$config[‘callback_proxy’] = ‘’;
$config[‘http_proxy’] = ‘’;
It is working fine but now the push to the pushgateway does not work anymore because it uses the proxy.

How should I proceed to have both working without any conflicts ? Thank you all a lot for your time.

I found a workaround using a local squid.