Pushover API Issues Behing NPM

Hi everyone,

Long time user of LibreNMS here. I have recently discovered how awesome and simple Pushover is and really want to get it setup and running with my LibreNMS instance for my home lab.

I run the non-docker version of LibreNMS behind Nginx Proxy Manager. I created a Pushover API transport, created the app in Pushover, filled in the API and user keys and get this error when testing.

“Test to pushover failed
CurlFactory:211 cURL error 56: Received HTTP code 400 from proxy after CONNECT (see libcurl - Error Codes) for https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json

This is about the total error of useful errors I get. Nothing really shows in the proxy logs and CURL works fine directly on both the LibreNMS server and proxy server.

Any suggestions? Cheers team.

I suggest setting up something like Postman with an HTTPS proxy to capture the requests and response to see why it is failing.

Yes, the error message could be better (maybe). It would be great if someone could try to have it send a better error message.

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