I created a python script to crawl LibreNMS for all serial numbers in the inventory of all devices.
Sharing it in case someone hase a similar usecase.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 22 13:41:25 2020
Crawl libreNMS inventory to receive list of all devices with serial number.
import csv
import requests
#edit base_url below
base_url = 'http://librenms.me/api/v0/'
#edit auth-token below
auth_token = 'INSERT Auth-Token here'
header = { 'x-auth-token' : auth_token }
file_path = 'LibreNMSInventory.csv'
#General GET helper function, pass sub-url to append to base URL for request
def GET(url):
return requests.get('{0}{1}'.format(base_url,url), headers = header)
#GET call to get all devices registered in libreNMS
#Return dictionary of all deviceIDs + hostname
def getDeviceDict():
device_list = GET('devices/').json()['devices']
device_dict = {}
for device in device_list:
device_dict[device['device_id']] = device['hostname']
return device_dict
def inventoryList(deviceID, hostname, physical_id = None):
if physical_id == None:
postString =""
inventory = GET('inventory/{0}{1}'.format(deviceID,postString)).json()['inventory']
for device in inventory:
entPhysicalClass = device['entPhysicalClass']
entPhysicalName = device['entPhysicalName']
entPhysicalDescr = device['entPhysicalDescr']
entPhysicalModelName = device['entPhysicalModelName']
entPhysicalSerialNum = device['entPhysicalSerialNum']
if device['entPhysicalSerialNum'] != '':
csv_row = [hostname, entPhysicalClass, entPhysicalName, entPhysicalDescr, entPhysicalModelName, entPhysicalSerialNum]
with open(file_path,'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# print('{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}'.format(hostname,entPhysicalClass,entPhysicalName,entPhysicalDescr,entPhysicalModelName,entPhysicalSerialNum))
def main():
device_dict = getDeviceDict()
with open(file_path,'w+', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(['Hostname','Class','Name','Description','Model Name','Serial'])
for deviceID, hostname in device_dict.items():