Is there a way to change the coloring of the Graphs for QOS and its classes
i got 2 interfaces with QOS but the graphs don’t match on color.
Is there a way to change the coloring of the Graphs for QOS and its classes
i got 2 interfaces with QOS but the graphs don’t match on color.
Can you share the links to the graphs so we can check which files are being used pls.
Hi laf,
here you go.
interface 1 : https://postimg.org/image/lpzlcvdtt/
interface 2 : https://postimg.org/image/7jhdiy88r/
(note the url’s remain valid for 7 days, after which they will expire)
The problem with expiring links is no one can say when they will next be able to help
We don’t need to see your domain, just the full path after the first / - paste it here.
Hi Laf,
i have created new links without the expire option.
int 1: https://postimg.org/image/b5dwmr6j1/
Int 2: https://postimg.org/image/eb21d93rl/
We need the actual LINKS to the graph, i.e /graph.php?dasdsadasda