I have a question in regards to the SMART application script, and how librenms displays/generates RRD data for it
Script: Smart application script
This script covers a number of SMART IDs, but my question is…if I were to modify this to pull other IDs (such as
22 Helium_Level 0x0023 100 100 025 Pre-fail Always - 100
Does librenms automatically know what ID 22 is for graphs? or is there some code somewhere that also needs to be added to display the correct ID? I’m sorry I don’t know enough about SNMP/librenms in regards to this… I know modifying the script works, as I get a comma separated output with the new values, just not sure if librenms can read it.
Edit, running the output of the script, I see no id’s are provided, so librenms must have this stored somewhere to parse the csv correctly. will need to search.