On the 12th of February 2025, we will merge in this pull request (Moved currentInUse from custom table to sensors for Cisco ASA by laf · Pull Request #16952 · librenms/librenms · GitHub) which will remove the ciscoASA table.
The table was added in 10 years ago to be used for additional support for Cisco ASA devices but was never fully utilised. The only value that is currently stored is the cfwConnectionStatValue OID which tracks the current in use connections for those devices.
This value will now be moved to the sensors table as is normal for other devices.
This means that you will lose historical metrics / graphs for that information and a new sensor will be created from scratch with no historical data.
Alert rules that were based on this old table will no longer work and should be updated to sensors.sensor_index begins with 'cfwConnectionStatValue'