Removing Oxidized - Need Help

I stood up a vanilla LibreNMS on an Ubuntu Server. It worked great.

In my multi-month hiatus/absence, another colleague attempted to install Oxidized, and failed.

Now that I am back, I am receiving errors and the NMS is behaving erratically.

In an attempt to keep from rebuilding the entire NMS and its device database/rules/etc…, I would like to try and gracefully turn off whatever was turned on by Oxidized and gracefully remove whatever was installed for it.

Then later on, I would like to try installing Oxidized myself, but that is for a later time. I just want the NMS back to normal if possible.

Can someone tell me how to remove Oxidized from LibreNMS (completely). I assume the user installed from repositories and not from a GitHub source build.

Thanks in advance

Figured out how to Turn Oxidized off by going into Global Settings > External tab > Oxidized Integration
and toggling Enable Support to OFF

Now how do I go about completely removing it, or is it something built into NMS by default?

My understanding is Oxidized is a standalone installation but you tie the two together by what you configure in the global settings. Unless Oxidized is not running on the same server as what LibreNMS is on you should be fine?