Reporting on a OID not working

Hope someone can point me in the right direction:

I want to alert on the health status of an Dell iDrac.

SNMP Walk on a faulty iDrac (3 = OK, 5 = warning)

. = INTEGER: 5

What I’ve tried:

$config[‘alert’][‘macros’][‘rule’][‘iDracHealthStatus’] = ‘%sensors.sensor_oid = “.”’;

GUI setup:

%macros.iDracHealthStatus = 1 && %sensors.sensor_current = 5

Log Results on a faulty device

Rule name: Macros-iDracHealthStatus-config.php
Alert rule: %macros.iDracHealthStatus = 1 && %sensors.sensor_current = 5
Alert query: SELECT * FROM sensors WHERE (sensors.device_id = ?) && ((sensors.sensor_oid = “.”) = 1 && sensors.sensor_current = 5 )
Rule match: no match

The above is not working, hoping for some input.

What are you trying to alert on specifically on the dell server?

We have pre-built alert rules for Dell servers with Idrac. Look at the alerts collections. Also, you could use those as an example to help.

I think what you are trying to do would look something like this?

Hi Kevin, thanks for the feedback. I’ve looked at the pre-built dell server rules but none report on the overall health of the system.

I want to report on the following as stated in the Dell iDRAC SNMP MIB document.

. . . see next post for more details . . . I can only include 1 image at a time. :frowning:

I’ve tested your suggestion above like

But when I do a test run on the broken server I get:

Here is a OID lookup tool results on that system:

Is that sensor showing in the web ui? If not then it needs to be added first.

@Kevin_Krumm could you please kindly explain what you mean by “Is that sensor showing in the web ui”?

In the Web UI on that device dose, it show the sensor you are looking for? In order to alert off anything the device has to be in librenms and the sensors has to be supported.

For example

Right, no its not showing under the state table. How can I add states?

So you could add support for it using this doc Home - LibreNMS Docs and make Pull Request in GitHub.


You can request it here Link and when someone has time they will attempt to add support. If you do please provide all the info asked for.

Also just throwing this out there too, we do have support for Dell’s Open Manage.

Awesome thanks! I’m quite new to LibreNMS. Thanks for the pointers!

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I’ll try to PR this later today.

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So I ended up doing the following and the alerting is working, but the resource utilization on the server is through the roof! And I’m sometimes getting SQL timeouts or slow page loading when loading the WebUI. I’m not sure loading MIBs this way is a good idea? Any comments/advice would be apprecaited?


In the “config.php” I enabled

$config[‘poller_modules’][‘mib’] = 1;

And in the Rules WebGUI did the following:

%device_oids.object_type = “globalSystemStatus” && %device_oids.value != “ok”

Looks like you enabled MIB based polling which experimental and I don’t recommend it since it’s not maintained anymore. I recommend you wait for support for this sensor to be added. Or Look into installing Dell’s Open Manage, from our docs it provides lots of sensor data on Dell servers.

I’ve created the following PR which should add support for what you have requested, hence no need for MIB polling.

Thanks Rosiak!!!