Please could we have a dedicated channel for logging and tracking the progress of bugs?
The current practice of logging them in the help forum & hoping they will be picked up isn’t really helping anyone:
the devs must rely on clear signposting in topics in order to identify bug reports in a sea of other support posts. Asking them to go hunting for bug reports reduces the likelihood of those reports being picked up, plus they may not wish to spend their volunteered time on such sifting activities.
those who report bugs have no way of knowing if their reports get to the devs, or if they’ll get lost beneath a pile of support requests. This is a demotivating factor when reporting bugs. I know this is an open source project run by volunteers, but common practice (e.g. dedicated bug reporting & tracking channel) is common because it works, both for the devs and the consumers of their work.
A dedicated bug reporting & tracking forum, or better yet the use of GitHub issues for that purpose (as many other projects do) would:
improve visibility of bug reports for devs, allowing them to fix issues quicker & maintain or improve the quality of the product.
improve the experience for those who take the time to report bugs (proper channel, greater visibility, feedback on when issues are picked up, fixed & referenced in release docs). This will encourage users to report bugs.
Change logs with summary issue & fix references for the daily releases would also be handy, or signposting to them if they already exist.
None of the above should be onerous, in fact it may reduce work by adding structure and focus / better targetting.
[Posted here because this isn’t a product feature request, nor is it a help request or any other type of request consistent with any of the other current forum channels]