Reverse Proxy Help/Documentation Conflict

I was having trouble getting a reverse proxy to work, the main issue seemed to be that I wanted it at and not at the root.

I followed the FAQ section for “My reverse proxy is not working” by verifying that I was passing the correct headers, configuring the proxy as a trusted proxy, and setting $config['base_url'] and APP_URL, but it still didn’t work.

$config["base_url"] = '';



What did work was changing the native librenms url following this: Sub-directory Support - LibreNMS Docs but there seems to be some conflicting advice there. That document says:

The RewriteBase directive in html/.htaccess must be rewritten to reference the subdirectory name.

but html/.htaccess says:

If you need to change this file, you are doing something wrong.

It only seems to work if I change the file. What should I do?

change .htaccess

I’m glad to hear that I’m not doing something wrong :slight_smile:

Will this break updates if there’s a git commit that changes that file?

The project tries not to change that file because many people use subdirectories…
I personally prefer using sub-domains, much cleaner.

Depending on your DNS and Certificate setup that could certainly be the case.

Thanks so much for the quick response!

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