Routing-instance support for BGP Peers

The current module doesn’t support BGP peers inside a routing instance in JunOS. For IPv4 sessions is fine because when using BGP4-MIB they reply with all peers. But when you using the juniper MIB for IPv6, routing instance ‘0’ is hardcoded.

The following patch fixes the issue:

<             // Added routing-instance support
<       $routing_instances = preg_replace( '/([0-9\.]+)\s(.+)/', '$2' , snmp_walk($device, 'jnxBgpM2PeerRoutingInstance', '-Onq', 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'].'/mibs/junos'));
<           foreach (array_unique (explode("\n", $routing_instances)) as $routing_instance) {
<       d_echo("Routing-instance ID : $routing_instance \n");
<               $result = snmp_walk($device, "jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAs.$routing_instance.ipv6", '-Onq', 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'].'/mibs/junos');
<       $peers = $result;
<       }

>             // FIXME: needs a big cleanup! also see below.
>             // FIXME: is .0.ipv6 the only possible value here?
>             $result = snmp_walk($device, 'jnxBgpM2PeerRemoteAs.0.ipv6', '-Onq', 'BGP4-V2-MIB-JUNIPER', $config['install_dir'].'/mibs/junos');
>             $peers  = trim(str_replace('.', '', $result));

was this implemented? the case is closed.

Closed on github as it was moved to here.

ok,but was the patch deployed? or is it still in discussion?

Nothing has been done, the person who created the issue suggested a patch but no ones done anything with it.

ok, are there any ideas on how to tackle this?