Rsyslog for windows devices

Hello everyone, I have tried to enable rsyslog on librenms and I have tried to connect a windows device which I have configured with syslogagent and the result is showing below so I don’t have any idea how could I verfiy the configuration of rsyslog. The syslogagent on the windows machine is working correctly, so perhaps it’s a problem on the server side?

EventLog is not the same as Syslog … look in the syslog tab.

in the syslog tab is empty :frowning:

Ok you need to trouble shot the syslog config and on the sending side see where its broken,

i have followed this tuto
for windows client side and the rsyslog config of librenms docs

The problem is that I haven’t been able to receive syslog on LibreNMS except the ones from localhost itself. I’m testing with a client (on Windows and Linux, the syslog agent or rsyslog seem to be working correctly on these clients) as well as a Cisco IOS.

On LibreNMS with tcpdump nothing is received… I followed the documentation on rsyslog and I think I did all the configurations to enable rsyslog on LibreNMS.

Is there something I overlooked?