Scheduled emails of node reports


I’m not sure if this is available or not, but is there a way to have LibreNMS email out daily or weekly reports of nodes we select?

I wouldn’t mind having these in my INBOX every day just to get an idea of how the monitored environment is going, without having to sit in front of a computer screen and click away at different devices.

An email report, in HTML or PDF, of devices added to the report and sent via a daily email or similar.

Is this possible?



Moved to feature requests.

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Thanks Laf.

I love looking at the interface of LibreNMS, but as I’m remote most of the time and read emails more often than visit dashboards, these emailed reports make sense.



As I’ve been moving away from Cacti, there was a plugin on there that allowed me to do something similar and build a report of my servers and their disk usage so i could have a weekly report showing growth for some of my bigger/busier systems. That would be extremely helpful and handy to have to present to management whenever we need to say “hey, we need to buy more storage because of these systems…”

Thanks much!


We are looking at moving from Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor and would like to have the ability to print, export or automatically email reports for port utilization, drive space, etc. for planning and if requested by the powers that be.

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I managed to do this kind of report with some asciidoc documents with direct links on graph.
Asciidoc document can be varibilized (i.e date range, hostname, etc…) . We use it to generate PDF or HTML output (via asciidoctor command) and then e-mail it to customers.

Hi @underscoredje,
Are you able to provide some details on how you do this?