Script new-os.php error


It’s my first post on the community site so I don’t know if i’m writing in the right section.

I’m reaching you because i’m trinng to add throught the new-os.php script a forcepoint applicance.

I aleardy downloaded the mib into freshlly created directory the /opt/librenms/mibs/forcepoint.

Then when i launch the script the first part is going OK, it creates the /opt/librenms/includes/definitions/forcepoint.yaml

But then, it ask if I want to add some tables (fwVpnEp6Table, fwVpnEp4Table, fwDiskStatsTable, fwCpuStatsTable and fwIfStatsTable).

If I say No to every no the the case, the script ends with an error message: “Failed to create new discovery file /opt/librenms/includes/definitions/discovery/forcepoint.yaml”

If I say Yes to one of the five case, the script ends with an error message: “In Parser.php line 429 : Unable to parse at line 3 (near “this by getting the latest source release of the net-snmp toolkit from”).”

I’ve checked, the last version of snmpd is the v5.8 and on my version is the 5.7.3.

I hope that the sum up is clear enought and that someone will be eable to help me.

Thanks in advance.


I found my problem. the error message wasn’t completelly printed : ERROR: You don’t have the SNMP perl module installed.
Please obtain
this by getting the latest source release of the
net-snmp toolkit from . Once you download
the source and
unpack it, the perl module is contained in the
perl/SNMP directory.
See the README file there for instructions.

The perl snmp dependancy was missing.