I have oxidized integrated and played around a bit with the config settings, but can not seem to figure out how to update the hostname to send the sysname. It seems like it should be possible, has anyone done this?
I have oxidized integrated and played around a bit with the config settings, but can not seem to figure out how to update the hostname to send the sysname. It seems like it should be possible, has anyone done this?
Your question isn’t so simple. sysname is just some text.
Oxidized needs to be able to resolve the name/ip you give it to an IP. so, unless sysname is a DNS name, it won’t work. If it is a DNS name, you should be just adding it to LibreNMS via DNS and it will just work in Oxidized too.
I highly suggest setting up a DNS with a local zone to map your internal IPs to hostnames. This makes everything easier.
So yes and no, because one of the other fields passed is the IP. Which can be utilized in place of the hostname. It’s an optional field in oxidized and is a fallback to the host name
Regardless, I’d like to pass the sysname as a field, which doesn’t specifically need to be hostname, it can be device name or something like that, which can be mapped in the oxidized config.
So what is the point of passing the sysName? Or are you actually accessing the Oxidized webui?
The sysname can than be used in the file structure on the oxidized machine so if we need to recover a file outside of either of the UIs, we can retrieve it based on sysname instead of IP