Serial interface load graphs from old Cisco routers are not displayed

Hi all!
I encountered a problem with displaying serial interface load graphs on old Cisco routers. The problem only affects 2610XM, 2621XM routers: in the “Ports” tab, data is not displayed for “Traffic” and “Packets”, but there is data on the “Interface Non Unicast”, “Errors” and “Detailed interface errors” graphs. Also, traffic data is displayed in “Real time” mode.
I have already seen a similar question here - it remained unanswered…
In addition to the 2600 series, we use the 2900 (2921) series of routers, also with serial interfaces. Graphs are drawn for them without problems. To display data for them, I had to delete the ds0, ds1, ds3 types from “Bad Interface Types”.
Has anyone solved the problem with the correct display of data from serial interfaces?

Component Version
LibreNMS 24.12.0-64-ga5a6f367d (2025-01-15T12:36:12+03:00)
DB Schema 2024_10_24_131715_mpls_sdp_bindings_enum_string (310)
PHP 8.3.15
Python 3.8.20
Database MariaDB 10.11.6-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.9.4.pre2

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