Hi laf, and thank you for your response.
I had read the documentation before posting the first message.
I have spent a couple of days trying harder after your response, but I am still stuck.
curl librenms/api/v0/inventory/
“status”: “ok”,
“inventory”: [
“entPhysical_id”: “72668”,
“device_id”: “1470”,
“entPhysicalIndex”: “1”,
“entPhysicalDescr”: “Catalyst 37xx Switch Stack”,
“entPhysicalClass”: “stack”,
“entPhysicalName”: “Cat37xx Stacking”,
“entPhysicalHardwareRev”: “”,
“entPhysicalFirmwareRev”: “”,
“entPhysicalSoftwareRev”: “”,
“entPhysicalAlias”: “”,
“entPhysicalAssetID”: “”,
“entPhysicalIsFRU”: “false”,
“entPhysicalModelName”: “”,
“entPhysicalVendorType”: “cevStackCat37xx”,
“entPhysicalSerialNum”: “”,
“entPhysicalContainedIn”: “0”,
“entPhysicalParentRelPos”: “-1”,
“entPhysicalMfgName”: “”,
“ifIndex”: null
“count”: 1
Ok, now, following the example of the documentation, I try :
curl librenms/api/v0/inventory/
“status”: “ok”,
“inventory”: [],
“count”: 0
Or may be :
curl librenms/api/v0/inventory/
“status”: “ok”,
“inventory”: [],
“count”: 0
I must miss something…
If you could give an example, that would be very apreciated.
Thank you guys.