It would be great if the datasources “time”, “time_connect”, “time_headers”, “time_firstbyte” and “time_transfer” of the http service check with optional Parameter -E would be graphed togehter and not in seperate graphs.
Nagios Service - 8
Request: /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H www.google.com -E
Perf Data - DS: time, Value: 0.134418, UOM: s
Perf Data - DS: size, Value: 57758, UOM: B
Perf Data - DS: time_connect, Value: 0.001439, UOM: s
Perf Data - None.
Perf Data - DS: time_headers, Value: 0.000010, UOM: s
Perf Data - DS: time_firstbyte, Value: 0.005532, UOM: s
Perf Data - DS: time_transfer, Value: 0.132946, UOM: s
Response: HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 57758 bytes in 0.134 second response time
Service DS: {
"time": "s",
"size": "B",
"time_connect": "s",
"time_headers": "s",
"time_firstbyte": "s",
"time_transfer": "s"
RRD[update /opt/librenms/rrd/localhost/services-8.rrd N:0.134418:57758:0.001439:0.000010:0.005532:0.132946]