Hello guys
Just a question about configuration:
I was set in config.php :
#Ignored FS
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/boot";
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/dev";
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/mnt/cdrom";
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/tmp";
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/run";
$config['ignore_mount'][] = "/sys";
$config['storage_perc_warn'] = 80;
#Ignored Net
$config['bad_if'][] = "voip-null";
$config['bad_iftype'][] = "voiceEncap";
$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = '/^lo[0-9].*/'; // loopback
$config['bad_if_regexp'][] = '/^tun[0-9].*/'; // tunnel
How to apply this configuration update to Devices already added in Librenms ?
I was clic on “Rediscover device” for my all devices but it does not seem to have any effect,would I have forgotten something ?