Set default port association per OS in config.php

According to includes/discovery/

By default libreNMS uses the ifIndex to associate ports on devices with ports discoverd/polled
before and stored in the database. On Linux boxes this is a problem as ifIndexes may be
unstable between reboots or (re)configuration of tunnel interfaces (think: GRE/OpenVPN/Tinc/…)
The port association configuration allows to choose between association via ifIndex, ifName,
or maybe other means in the future. The default port association mode still is ifIndex for
compatibility reasons.

While I understand why this is, it would be nice if we could set an override to default port association mode per OS in config.php, e,g,:

$config[‘os’][‘linux’][‘port_association_mode’] = 'ifName’
etc, etc, …


This would be great for mixed monitoring environments (network and server equipment).